Mar 15, 2006

Homework for Wed. (Due Thu.)

Read the articles/images on White Privilege. Highlight things that stand out for you. If you have any experiences with racism you want to share, be prepared to discuss them.

Mar 14, 2006

Homework for Tue (Due WEd)

Do Follow Up at the end of the CRM book.

Mar 9, 2006

Homework for Thu., Mar. 9 (due Mon.)

Do Case Studies 6 (Mississippi) and 7 (Malcolm X) in Civil Rights Movement.

Include title of case study, vocabulary, primary source questions, and questions at the end of the case.

Mar 8, 2006

Homework for Wed., Mar. 8 (Due Thu.)

Don't forget advocacy work you can do at
(go to Action Center).

Use the RED Eyewitnesses book. Read Martin Luther King, Jr.'s letter from jail in Birmingham -- one of the most famous texts in American history, pp. 367-374. Answer #1-3.

Homework for Wed., Mar. 8 (Due Thu.)

Don't forget advocacy work you can do at
(go to Action Center).

Use the RED Eyewitnesses book. Read Martin Luther King, Jr.'s letter from jail in Birmingham -- one of the most famous texts in American history, pp. 367-374. Answer #1-3.

Mar 7, 2006

Homework for Tue. Mar. 7 (Due Wed.)

Read Case Study 5, about Freedom Riders. Write the title of the case study, the vocabulary, answer the primary source questions, and answer the questions at the end of the case study.

By tomorrow, I should have everyone's Community Service Report for February, along with any Pantry permission slips and Camp Mason forms....

Mar 6, 2006

Homework for Mon., Mar. 6 (Due Tue.)

Read Case Study 2, Little Rock. Write title of case study, vocabulary, answer primary source questions, and answer questions at the end of the case study.

Mar 3, 2006

Homework for Fri., Mar. 3 (Due Monday)

1. Read the documents about Montgomery, Alabama. What does the last one say?

2. Read CRM, Case Study 4, pp. 49-59 (Sitting in for Justice). Do vocab., p. 49, and questions on primary source and at the end of the chapter.

3. Do your Community Service Reports for February. Do them properly, or they will be returned to you. The format is repeated below.


On the first of each month, turn in a word-processed document to Ms. Allen with a St. Luke’s heading that answers each of these questions for each different activity. Write it in PARAGRAPH form, and make sure the work is done up to SLS standards for 7th/8th grade writing.

Mr. Travalgione and Ms. Allen will keep copies of your goals and reports and will work with you individually and as a group to implement your goals and reflect on your service learning.

WHAT was the event? Describe it.
WHERE was the activity?
WHEN did it take place – and for how long? Keep a running total of your hours on each monthly report.
WHY was your activity a meaningful example of community service? What did you learn from it? How did you help others?

Mar 2, 2006

Due tomorrow:

Read Case Study 3, pp. 37-47.Write down titles. Write down (define unknown) vocabulary, p. 37. Answer questions, pp. 39 and 47.

COMMUNITY SERVICE REPORTS ARE DUE MONDAY -- Make sure they're complete, in paragraph form, discussing what/where/when -- and why the activity was meaningful.

Sorry for the confusion yesterday! I posted the 7th grade homework...

Mar 1, 2006

Homework for Wednesday (Due Thu., Mar. 2)

Don't forget about COMMUNITY SERVICE REPORTS, due Monday.

Civil Rights Movement -- new textbook. For every case study, write down the chapter and title, the vocabulary (don't have to define unless you don't already know it), the answers to the questions for the featured primary source, and the review questions (2 or 3) at the end of the chapter. KEEP EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE -- a separate section in your binder, a notebook, a folder.

Due tomorrow:
Read introduction and Case Study 1, pp. 5-21.
Write down titles. Write down (define unknown) vocabulary, pp. 5 and 11.
Answer questions, pp. 17 and 21.