Apr 21, 2011


If Moses had Passover...

iPad app on the Civil War:

 Civil War 150 (History Channel Website -- amazing archive of videos, interactives, and other info)


Apr 13, 2011

Use the Assignment Calendar for Civil War Homework

Whatever is in boldface is due the next day.

WTW  = War, Terrible War (1 post it for every 3 pages read)
AJ = American Journey (answer questions indicated)
EW = Eyewitnesses (answer questions at the end of the section)

We will be watching a lot of film clips in class, as well as talking in small groups. The level of your discussion counts. You may have POP QUIZZES, so keep up with reading and review your written assignments, including what you have read in MUSH.

Apr 12, 2011

HW due Thu., 4/14

Use the new HW Calendar to track your assignments. There is no class on Wednesday due to filming. Note that there is a Life Awareness assignment NEXT WEEK (read articles and talk to parents -- get signature -- this averaged into hw/social studies grade).

Use the HW Calendar by looking at what is in boldface. That item will be due the next day. You have assignments in War, Terrible War (post its) and The American Journey (questions).

Apr 6, 2011

HW due Thu., 4/7

Keep on writin'.

You should be up to 1 1/2 pages of Chapter Three by now.

Please print and staple your revised and new writing to show to me in class.

Your rough writing should be finished on Monday, April 11. Any final editing, tweaking, adjustments, printing, changing, rearranging, etc., should be done by the next day, Tuesday (get the paper mostly done this weekend). You should therefore finish your research paper by next Tuesday, April 12. TURN IN TWO DOUBLE-SPACED COPIES. Please submit it to Google Docs as well. Details later. Any research papers not turned in by that date will be lowered by one letter grade for each day they are late.


Apr 4, 2011

HW due Wed., 4/6

Revise Ch. 2 based on revisions; revise Ch. 1 based on the revisions for Ch. 2 (that is, if you see any patterns that would suggest changes, make them).

Then, begin working on Ch. 3. Write the first page, at least the first couple of paragraphs.

DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR RESEARCH THESIS. It probably should be introduced at the transition point.

BUDDY LETTERS are due sometime this week.